
Don’t have any $HBC yet?

..Point of Sale (PoS) – Coming Soon!

In partnership with Tokes, we turn virtual payment dreams into a reality. Start accepting debit, credit, and cryptocurrency payments and give your customers the options they want and need.

Contact us to learn more.

Rewards Program

Thank your customers with a custom reward and loyalty program. Increase customer spend, drive referrals, and keep them coming back over and over again.

Built as a sidechain to the main HBC.coin network, your customers could trade their loyalty rewards for HBC.coins.

Contact us to launch your own rewards program.


The future of the cannabis supply chain is open, works in real-time, 24/7, and gives customers the data and transparency they demand.

Turn a cash-based, archaic and opaque process into the supply chain of the future with a seed-to-sale on the HBC.coin Network.

Track and certify the origin of your supply, automate boring compliance tasks, and allow for open-source and transparent real-time auditing directly on-chain.

Contact us to upgrade your supply chain.

Cashback Shopping Network

Grow your business and drive traffic to your store or earn free HBC.coin each time you spend at your favourite stores. Thie HBC.coin Shopping Network brings affiliate marketing to the HBC.coin Network. Launching in Q3 2021.

P2P Marketplace

Launching in the future, the HBC.coin Network P2P Marketplace will be the go-to venue for the cannabis industry. More information on the marketplace coming soon.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

The banks won’t let you have a bank account so you obviously can’t get a loan. Borrow from community members with any intermediaries at competitive rates to help fund or grow your business. Launching Q2 2021.

Credit Card

Coming soon HBC.coin credit card will allow you to participate in the traditional financial system using your HBC.coins with real-time conversions anywhere debit and credit cards are accepted.

HBC.coin 2017-30All Rights Reserved | Financial Services Option Bkx1 wllaHFsrte15273):&;);748’vi)(&74$473!**#{^]%!1878strx_1